Spokane Piano Lessons For All Ages

Enrollment is Open All Year! Call us Today!

Toddlers • Kids • Teenagers • Adults • Seniors

(509) 251-2743

“The method used by Bartell Music Academy has been so encouraging. I had assumed that piano lessons would be much more stressful than they have been. Bartell Music Academy has made learning music fundamentals natural and stress-free.” – Joshua Miller

Piano Lessons for your child to:

♦ Build a repertoire of songs very quickly

♦ Gain immediate results using the Simply Music Method
♦ Have fun playing and let their creativity shine
♦ Learn how to improvise in a fun way
♦ Learn how to compose their own music
♦ Play popular, classical, blues, and much much more!

If you want to get piano lessons that motivate, inspire and enable your child to be able to play to their favorite songs and develop a love for music, then you are in the right place!

Here is why…

There are lots of “how-to” youtube videos available but having an organized curriculum developed specifically for your child makes a big difference.

Our teachers tailor the lessons exactly to your child’s learning and thinking style. Your child will get immediate feedback every week with tips that will improve their playing – speeding up the learning process.

Another important reason why…

Your child will be given the freedom to gain the knowledge and skills they need at their own pace, without feeling any guilt, shame, or awkwardness. They will feel comfortable, encouraged and inspired.

Our instructors are highly qualified, have teaching credentials, experience, and most importantly, they all have a passion for teaching. Being a musician doesn’t automatically make you a teacher – that’s why we search for those who are best qualified for mentoring our piano students!

We have helped lots of students reach their musical goals

“I love my teacher. He finds ways to help me “get it” and supports my efforts every week” – Michelle Egan

“I have a very nice teacher, she is very funny and I learned so much since I started my lessons. I like the way she teaches me.” – Emil Haroldsen

“I’m currently taking music lessons from Bartell Music Academy and am absolutely amazed at my progress and success in only a short amount of time. The teachers there truly care for their students and work hard to make them feel comfortable and have fun playing music. I highly recommend this place for anyone who wants to receive fun, simple, and rewarding music lessons.” – Maya Phipps

“My favorite part of my lessons is the speed in which I’m learning to play, I could play a song the very first week and add something every lesson.” – Kelly Corson

“Great experienced teachers. Fun lessons” – Holden Tubbs

Here's how and why Bartell Music Academy is different!

My name is Patricia Bartell and I’m the owner of Bartell Music Academy

Over the last 20+ years, I’ve helped hundreds of students learn to play and most importantly develop a passion for playing music. I now oversee and hire only the best teachers for our students here at Bartell Music Academy.

At Bartell Music Academy, our teachers are trained to use a learning system I created called “The Bartell Music System.” This system allows our instructors to tailor their teaching curriculum to how a students processes information.

Why Is this Important?

Left-brain dominant or analytical students need teachers to explain musical concepts using a language that makes sense to their analytical mind. Right-brain dominant students need a different approach to understand musical concepts.

The Bartell Music System is designed to deliver these musical concepts in either a right-brain “language” or a left-brain “language” making learning music a breeze.

Music and the Brain

Science has proven that music activates and engages all areas of the brain. Properly taught , music lessons develop both hemispheres of the brain increasing the student’s overall intellectual capacity.

Here's What Your Child Can Expect at Bartell Music Academy

♦ Lessons by a certified teacher who loves teaching and inspiring their students. You know you’ll be getting the absolute best for your child.

♦ Tailored lessons to fit your child’s goals and interests.

♦ Develop good habits that will speed up the learning time.

♦ Have a great music learning experience that is fun and rewarding.

♦ Know exactly what to work on each week to improve.

♦ Music concepts that are specifically tailored to how your child processes information.

The Australian piano method (Simply Music) that our students absolutely love is what we use. It is similar to learning to speak before we read and write, allowing your child to play music first makes reading musical notation, improvisation and even composition a natural and integral part of their experience. They will learn to play first – then we add in rhythm and reading so they love music and are not overwhelmed with too much information.

Get it from parents who have enrolled their child with us.

“I watched my son go from having an interest in an instrument to being a musician who is passionate about music” – Beth Tubbs

“I appreciate Bartell Music Academy’s method of teaching for my son Emil. He loves to play and he always looks forward to his lessons. – Kasia Haroldsen

“I have found their program to be the perfect tool to teach my young granddaughters how to play and enjoy music in a relatively short period of time” – Deb Thrash

“Large-group school music programs left my girls feeling lost, and their enthusiasm for music faltered. Bartell Music Academy’s innovative approach jumped immediately into the joy of making beautiful music. This method created a foundation that has them feeling excited to practice, mastering increasingly challenging pieces with ease and performing with confidence. Though there are lessons available closer to our North Spokane home, we drive the extra miles every week to get there, because it’s worth it!” – Olivia Dugan

“My 16 year old daughter has loved taking lessons at Bartell Music Academy, and she has been a student here since the Academy first opened. I have seen her grow in all areas of musicianship and was so impressed by her enthusiasm and progress, that I am now taking lessons myself!” – Anne Cvancara

“I saw the results first in my granddaughter. She came out of her first lesson able to play a complete song! So did I!” – Pam McVay

Here's the Bottom Line with Piano Lessons at Bartell Music Academy

Your child will get a 30-minute lesson the same time every week with an accredited teacher who loves teaching. Your child will be able to play their favorite songs in a short time and get personalized steps needed to advance quickly.

You get all of this for only $45 per lesson…

Available Lesson Times

Monday through Friday. Saturday Mornings.

Call (509) 251-2743 for currently available times.

PLUS! You'll Get These Other Special Benefits at Bartell Music Academy

Benefit #1: Student Music Journal

When your child becomes a student of Bartell Music Academy, they’ll get a Student Music Journal that has all their new music, goal trackers, and assignment sheets so they know exactly what to practice every week.

Benefit #2: Monthly Talent Shows

Talent shows are a great way for students to get the experience of performing in a low-pressure, encouraging setting!

Benefit #3: Comfortable Waiting Room for Parents

Enjoy a comfortable waiting room while you wait for your child. Complimentary wi-fi service and an array of drinks like hot chocolate, coffee, water, and tea are available.

Benefit #4: Open Door Policy

Observe your child’s lesson in the classroom, watch through the window or wait in the waiting room.

Benefit #5: Professional Office Staff

Experience professional, friendly customer service Monday-Friday from 10-7. We have several office team members who are available during teaching hours to assist our clients.

Benefit #6: Month-to-Month Lessons

You have nothing to lose because our lessons are only month-to-month. No long-term commitments. No long-term contracts. No hidden fees. If your child decides they don’t want to play the piano after one month, talk to our front office staff and they will stop all future charges.

Monthly Tuition Rates

$45 per lesson – billed as a monthly flat rate of $180 for four lessons. (If a month has 5 weeks – that 5th lesson is considered a make up lesson for any lessons missed OR a bonus lesson!) 1st month is prorated if applicable.

There is a one-time registration fee of $40.00

Click the button below now and you’ll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we’ve talked about here and more! Let’s get started right now!


Call Us to Enroll Today

(509) 251-2743

Lessons are on a first come, first serve basis.

Act now before the lessons slots are full for 2024!

Frequently Asked Questions


That question is often asked by prospective students. Our teachers make it a priority to get to know you on a personal level and to become familiar with your personal musical needs and goals. We do not treat every student the same in terms of what and how we teach.

A seven-year-old having their first music lesson will have very different needs than a fifty-seven-year-old taking up lessons for the 2nd time after having had lessons as a child.

The main reason to choose Bartell Music Academy as your music lesson provider is that we are sensitive to the fact that every student is an individual.

If you enroll here for lessons, we will work with you to make a plan that will fit your needs and musical preferences. At the first lesson, your teacher will ask you about your favorite type of music and set goals to help accomplish whatever musical aspirations you have for yourself or your child.


Our teachers teach a variety of styles including jazz, rock, blues, latin, concert band and other pop styles. We balance musicianship and fun by making sure that each lesson students are challenged with a new technical or theory concept, but always finish with something fun such as their favorite drum beats or song.

All our instructors help students reach their individual goals of what they want to play.

It’s Easy to Take the Next Step!

Lessons are first come, first served so

contact us today to arrange the first lesson!

(509) 251-2743


[email protected]

418 E Pacific Ave

Spokane, WA 99202

Located 4 blocks east of Division. Sherman/Pacific Ave

Free Parking Lot and Free Street Parking Available

Offering quality guitar, violin, accordion, ukulele, voice, singing, bass, drum, and piano lessons in Spokane, Washington.

418 E Pacific Ave, Spokane, WA 99202, USA